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Algumas definições

Unesco, 2014

A aprendizagem móvel envolve o uso de tecnologias móveis, isoladamente ou em combinação

com outras tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC), a fim de permitir a aprendizagem

a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. A aprendizagem pode ocorrer de várias formas:

as pessoas podem usar aparelhos móveis para aceder recursos educacionais, conectar-se a outras pessoas ou criar conteúdos, dentro ou fora da sala de aula (p.8).

Hooft & Denzer, 2010

M-learning is seen as either an extension of e-learning or a completely new paradigm that

lets you learn as you “move” anywhere and at anytime. M-learning is a term that has many

different connotations and definitions. The definitions focus on the concepts of mobility,

ubiquity, and wireless ability (p.17).

Ally, 2009

Mobile learning througt the use of wireless mobile tecnology allow anyone to acess information and learning materials from anywhere and any time (p. 1).

Moura & Carvalho, 2008

Mobile learning or m-learning is a relatively new tool in education witch enables teachers and students to create new environments for present and distance Learning (p. 1).

Elizabeth Andrade

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